
warning: airsoft is a very active sport therefore there is a risk of injury.this blog is for informational purposes and should be used at your own risk.

one of the hardest (and most fun) parts of airsoft is cqb. its hard because there are so many risks involved with small space.in cqb even one movement, one sound, can put you out of the game (if you play respawn games you wont have to worry about this as much though). the greatest ally you will during cqb is time and stealth. first lets talk about time: time is the essence of everything we do,be it sleeping, eating, or walking everything we do is affected by time. in order to use time to your advantage in cqb you can draw it out or speed it up, speed is the primary form of time used in cqb. if you move slowly you will be able to use stealth more effectively but speed can be just as effective so BLEND the two: move slowly and stealthily around hallways and around the main areas of buildings but use speed when breaching. this is one of the best and most efective things you can do in a cqb enviroment.now on to stealth: stealth is one of the hardest things to master but is vital dependent upon the varying situation of the game. when people this of stealth they may think of a silencer on a gun or navy seals, yes that is a part of that but thats not what we are refering to here. here i am refering to silent team movement. its not about the weapons but more about the person with the weapon. people tend to alert the enemy easier/more often than the weapons do. what im about to say is going to be very blunt and straight-forward: when playing cqb games and trying to be stealthy you need to SHUT-UP, with most this is a problem in all of airsoft. when its a newer team or player this is understandable and is gonna happen but when you been playing 5+ years and the team your on is relatively expierenced you should know some form of hand signals in cqb. plain and simple.